Clawfinger hlásí konec

Clawfinger hlásí konec

Švédští Clawfinger hlásí ukončení činnosti.

Oficiální prohlášení:

"Sometimes you grow together, sometimes you grow apart, sometimes you don't grow anywhere but you still keep on going anyway for lack of better options because it's all you know how to do!

Anyway, the simple truth here and now is that CLAWFINGER are calling it a day, throwing in the towel, going fishing, quitting and moving on to pursue other goals in life!

After 20 years, 7 albums, more than a thousand gigs and 10 million beers consumed together, it's simply time to put the band to rest and do other things! Nothing is, of course, ever carved in stone, but please don't hold your breath; that is, if anybody out there is stupid enough to even consider doing so!

It's been one hell of a ride, no doubt about it. Bumpy, yes; long and winding, yes; full of dead ends and wrong turns; but all the same one hell of a fucking ride, an experience to remember and treasure for life!

All our love, repsect and admiration goes out to the people who have supported us along the way, the fans, most of all, because you've always been the fuel on our fire, but hell, even the record companies deserve a little thanking at a time like this.

There are too many people to thank, but you know who you are, and if you've been there for us, respect to you all for the love, patience and understanding you've shown us through the years. Your dedication has been priceless and maybe we'll see you out there again for the 30th anniversary if we decide to try and cash in on past achievements with the old classic reunion trick; only time will tell!

Thank you for everything, respect and one love to you all!"

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